Ghost Puzzle
Participants have to pick which one of two puzzle pieces would fit into a hole on a board. Pieces depict ghost – one is identical to the outline of the hole and one is a mirror versions thereof. Stimulus orientation varies in 30deg steps (Frick et al. 2013). A paper-pencil version for group testing (Frick & Pichellmann, 2023) shows rows of rotated ghost that have to be compared to a standard; in a computerized version (GNU Octave 4.0.0), participants pick one of two holes on a tablet computer, in which a depicted ghost would fit.
Frick, A., Hansen, M. A., & Newcombe, N. S. (2013). Development of mental rotation in 3-to 5-year-old children. Cognitive Development, 28(4), 386-399.
Frick, A., & Pichelmann, S. (2023). Measuring spatial abilities in children: A comparison of mental-rotation and perspective-taking tasks. Journal of Intelligence, 11; 165.
Population: 3.5 - 10 year olds
Test Location: Please, email Andrea Frick:
Information Updated as of May 13, 2024