Mental Rotation Stimuli (Giorgio Ganis)

This data set contains the individual files (in PICT format) used in the study cited below and a .tar archive with all the files. The set has 47  Shepard and Metzler figures and their mirror images. This set is especially useful for training studies in which shape repetition would be problematic.

The file naming conventions are as follows. The first 4 numbers are the number of blocks in the four arms of the figure. The fifth number can be 0, 90 or 180. It’s a rotation factor of part of the figure (basically, one can generate more then one shape for a given set of 4 arm lengths). The number after the ‘Y’ is the angle of rotation between the shapes (3 angles, 50, 100, and 150). Finally, if the filename starts with ‘R’, it means that the two shapes are mirror-images of each other.

Email the Lead Researcher: Giorgio Ganis, University of Plymouth:



Wright R, Thompson WL, Ganis G, Newcombe NS & Kosslyn SM. (2008). Training generalized spatial skills. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15(4), 763-771.

Validation data and stimulus set:

Article: A New Set of Three-Dimensional Shapes for Investigating Mental Rotation Processes: Validation Data and Stimulus Set


Information Updated as of May 13, 2024


Revised Purdue Spatial Visualization Test (Revised PSVT:R): Visualization of Rotations


Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Design (Lai4D) Designer