Spatial Reasoning Instrument
The paper-and-pencil Spatial Reasoning Instrument (SRI; Ramful, Lowrie & Logan, 2016) consists of 30 multiple-choice items based on three constructs (with 10 items per construct): namely, mental rotation, spatial orientation and spatial visualization. The design of the SRI is aligned to the type of spatial maneuvers and task representations that middle-school students may encounter in mathematics and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)-related subjects. The SRI is intended to assess the ability to think deeply with, and apply, spatial thinking skills in school-aged children.
Email the Lead Researchers/Contacts:
Ms. Tracy Logan, University of Canberra (Australia):
Professor Tom Lowrie, University of Canberra (Australia)
Dr. Ajay Ramful, Mauritius Institute of Education (Mauritius):
Ramful, A., Lowrie, T., & Logan, T. (2017). Measurement of Spatial Ability: Construction and Validation of the Spatial Reasoning Instrument for Middle School Students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35(7), 709-727.
Test Location:
: the instrument
: the scoring key